EOD Team 02 gave an EORE in Damrey Kon Village, Popel Commune, Sotnikum District of Siem Reap Province for 10 participants.
Three (3) Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Sessions Given on 21 JUL 2023 by Team 06
EORE Team 06 gave EORE sessions in Ta Ni Village, Run Ta Aek Commune, Banteay Srei District of Siem Reap Province for 38 participants.
Three (3) Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Sessions Given on 20 JUL 2023 by Team 06
EORE Team 06 gave EORE sessions in Ou Ambil Village, Anlongvaeng Commune, Anlongvaeng District of Oddar Meanchey Province for 56 participants.
Three (3) Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Session Given on 20 JUL 2023 by Team 04
EOD Team 04 gave an EORE in Kraing Village, Pong Leu Commune, Chi Kreng District, Siem Reap Province for 26 participants.
Three (3) Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Session Given on 20 JUL 2023 by Team 02
EOD Team 02 gave an EORE in Boeung Mealea Village, Boeung Mealea Commune, Svay Leu District of Siem Reap Province for 50 participants.
Three (3) Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Sessions Given on 19 JUL 2023 by Team 06
EORE Team 06 gave EORE sessions in Ta Ni Village, Run Ta Aek Commune, Banteay Srei District of Siem Reap Province for 42 participants.
Two (2) Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Session Given on 19 JUL 2023 by Team 04
EOD Team 04 gave an EORE in Svay Pok and Sralao Srong Villages, Pong Leu Commune, Chi Kreng District, Siem Reap Province for 87 participants.
Three (3) Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Session Given on 19 JUL 2023 by Team 02
EOD Team 02 gave an EORE in Chan Hea Village, Boeung Mealea Commune, Svay Leu District of Siem Reap Province for 39 participants.
Three (3) Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Sessions Given on 18 JUL 2023 by Team 06
EORE Team 06 gave EORE sessions in Ta Ni Village, Run Ta Aek Commune, Banteay Srei District of Siem Reap Province for 60 participants.
Three (3) Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Session Given on 18 JUL 2023 by Team 04
EOD Team 04 gave an EORE in Svay Pok Village, Kork Thlok Leu Commune, Chi Kreng District, Siem Reap Province for 16 participants.